News / Exploration and Progress | In-depth Exchange with RUSSIA SANTAN Representative Team to Build Global Integrated Smart Lighting!
With over 20 years of experience and rapid growth, SANTAN Lighting has consistently adhered to its commitment to excellence, earning the trust and support of users and partners worldwide. As its global market share continues to expand, SANTAN has emerged as an industry leader. With the deepening of globalization and continuous market expansion, SANTAN’s collaboration with international enterprises has become increasingly closer.
On December 19, a client delegation from Moscow, Russia, visited SANTAN Smart Park and Intelligent Lighting Experience Center for an onsite tour and exchange. The company’s chairman and all employees extended a warm welcome to the visiting guests. SANTAN Lighting Chairman Zhu Zhongwu, Brand Operations Director Ge Taicheng, and Foreign Trade Manager Zhong Xiaoxia, along with representatives from multiple departments, jointly hosted the delegation. This warm reception marked the beginning of a significant journey of learning and exchange.
从左至右:翻译金总,俄罗斯想天商业总监Mr. Pavel Vlasov,俄罗斯想天品牌负责人Mrs. Epikhina Elena,俄罗斯想天总经理Mr.Deimantas Grigaliunas,想天照明董事长朱忠武先生,想天照明品牌运营总监葛泰成先生,想天照明外贸部长钟晓霞女士合影留念。
From left to right: Mr. Jin, Translator; Mr. Pavel Vlasov, Commercial Director of SANTAN Russia; Mrs. Epikhina Elena, Brand Manager of SANTAN Russia; Mr.Deimantas Grigaliunas, General Manager of SANTAN Russia; Mr. Zhu Zhongwu, Chairman of SANTAN Lighting; Mr. Ge Taicheng, Brand Operations Director of SANTAN Lighting; Ms. Zhong Xiaoxia, Foreign Trade Manager of SANTAN Lighting.
Touring SANTAN Smart Park 参观想天智慧园
SANTAN Smart Park is designed according to Industry 4.0 standards, focusing on upgrading SANTAN’s integrated intelligent lighting manufacturing processes. Under the guidance of Chairman Zhu Zhongwu, the delegation toured key areas of the facility, including the hardware workshop, CNC workshop, Dust-Free Workshop A, Dust-Free SMT Workshop, and Dust-Free Workshop B.
SANTAN Smart Park boasts the highest manufacturing standards in the industry, featuring 365-day temperature control, advanced five-axis high-speed precision machining centers, and fully automated digital electroplating systems for precise control and monitoring. This ensures higher precision and efficiency, greater environmental friendliness, and cleaner production processes, guaranteeing consistency across every batch of products.
超出行业标准,用三星高速贴片机与做手机/电脑同一标准制造产品,高效率、高精准度、稳定性好、1条线1班,8小时500w个点;无铅环保、更有磷性 、粘性高、柔软不断点,产品质量更有保证。食品级别无尘车间,防静电、防尘、环境更干净。确保产品在无尘下组装完成,确保最高的产品质量。
Exceeding industry standards, the park uses Samsung high-speed placement machines and applies the same manufacturing standards as smartphones and computers. This ensures high efficiency, precision, and stability, achieving 500,000 solder points in 8 hours per production line. The process is lead-free and environmentally friendly, with enhanced adhesion, flexibility, and reliability to ensure superior product quality.The facility also features food-grade dust-free workshops with anti-static and anti-dust measures, providing a cleaner environment for production. Products are assembled in dust-free conditions to ensure the highest quality standards are met.
After touring SANTAN Smart Park, the Russian delegation highly praised SANTAN’s excellence in the intelligent lighting sector. They expressed being deeply impressed by SANTAN’s leading advantages in technological innovation, product design, and manufacturing processes, particularly in intelligent control systems and the artistic aesthetics of lighting fixtures, showcasing exceptional strength and forward-thinking.
Visit to SANTAN Intelligent Lighting Experience Center 参观想天智能灯光体验馆
Led by Chairman Zhu, the Russian delegation proceeded to visit SANTAN Intelligent Lighting Experience Center. Chairman Zhu provided a detailed explanation of the core technologies and application solutions of SANTAN’ s intelligent lighting systems. The interactive product experiences within the center gained significant interest from the delegation.
This visit also showcased the upgraded features of new products and innovative design concepts, with a focus on SANTAN’ s integrated wired and wireless whole-house intelligent characteristics, demonstrating our leading technology and continuous innovation in the field of intelligent lighting.
International Cooperation Project Meeting
Following the tour, Chairman Zhu and the Russian delegation convened in the conference room to discuss potential collaboration on new projects. The meeting featured in-depth discussions on lighting design specifics and fixture requirements. The Russian representatives expressed high appreciation for our innovative designs and the exceptional performance of our intelligent lighting products, while also outlining their specific needs for practical applications. In response, we provided detailed presentations on tailored lighting solutions for various environments and demonstrated how our intelligent control systems can enhance user experiences.
Through thorough communication and exchange, both parties expressed strong confidence in the prospects of collaboration. This interaction deepened mutual understanding of each other’ s corporate cultures and technological strengths, paving the way for closer cooperation on multiple projects in the future. Such collaboration aims to advance the application of intelligent lighting technologies and lays a solid foundation for future strategic partnerships.
Additional Highlights 更多花絮
The Russian delegation’s visit to SANTAN Smart Park and the Intelligent Lighting Experience Center not only showcased SANTAN’s technological prowess in the intelligent lighting sector but also provided a valuable opportunity for international collaboration. As global demand for integrated smart lighting services continues to rise, SANTAN’s platform for international cooperation in the intelligent lighting industry is set to expand significantly.